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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Whose business is it. Anyway?

All of the Leaping Librarian's Life, there has been the nasty business of comparisons.  To wit:
"she colors better than I do."
"They don't have to go to religious school, why should I?"
"How come they have their own room and I have to share?"
Etc. etc. and on and on.
So then we get to the land of adult (a dolt?) hood.
"They don't come in on time.  Why should I?"
"That one gets.......and I don't."
"Thus and so never does the......(fill in the blank.)

The Leaping Libertine Librarian calls this "The Negative Domino Theory."  What it means is that, when one indulges in this sort of thing, one loses one's leap and begins to limp.  The coloring or working that one is doing is lost in the land of negative dominos.  The focus becomes on what isn't what shouldn't what ought not....Meantime, the glorious possibilities of what could be and what already is....they vanish like the LLLs paycheck after she has seen a few bright, shiny objects with her name on them.

It is my solemn vow to you that this LLL is going to avoid the negative domino game.  And, further, she is inviting you to do the same.  Sure, we will slip from time to time.....We will drive by the Mcmansion with the four garages and we will forget, for just a minute, that we were going to stay the course.  We were planning to keep the focus where it belonged...on what is good right now.   We are going to work on our own drawings...our own library, our own part in the tapestry that is our library. 

We will work towards that library with the gift shop and the atrium and the roving reference and the hands free phones and the edevices and the unlimited educational opportunities and the.......but, in the meantime, we will look at what we have.  We will watch the library users as they come in to our doors and we will give them our own wonderful brand of service.  Are you with me?

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