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Thursday, January 19, 2012

It Made my day

Yes.  It's January in New England.  It's cold.  And, like my car....the battery died the other day and I had to call AAA  It took them six hours to get to my house where I sat snugly, reading.  Many batteries are feeling low in the winter and I don't just mean cars.

There I was at the Circulation Desk, trying to keep my inner battery charged and the gentleman said, "I always check out the library when I move to a new place.  It tells me what kind of a town I'm living in."  He told me that he had found some great bookstores in Boston.  He said that he loves to read the classics.  He goes to the shelves and actually looks for the more faded covers because that's what he likes to read the most.

He took out three books and he was so happy.  It didn't matter that the weather here is colder than the state that he came from.  He had found the library.  He was home.  And I felt better.

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