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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Adyashanti--oh no!

Uh, oh!  I'm reading one of these spiritual books again!  Still, it keeps the librarian leaping.  I'm reading Falling Into Grace by Adyashanti.  Here's the application that is relevant for librarians who want to leap.  He is talking about 'not knowing' about 'unlearning'.  What if we went into our library with no assumptions about anything?  What if we go into work tomorrow or our job search on Monday morning with a tabula rasa.  We are like new, and we look at everything with minds totally open? 

It might be exciting!  First of all, think about all of the wisdom that is contained in the building.  The words on the pages, the information that is contained in our databases, the possibilities for downloading all of the stories and concepts onto these amazing little devices.  Think about the miracle of giving all of this to the people who come to us!  Think about the learning that is going on in our buildings, the communication, the downright good stuff!  You might be very excited!

Rather than getting caught up in the "vortex" of habitual thoughts..."oh, no, I have to do this...look at this traffic...etc.." what if we were opened up to the amazing service that we provide and the infinite possibilities that lie before us?

I should go back to reading novels, you say?  Perhaps.....

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