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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Minuteman High...keeps me leaping

The leaping libertine librarian's son goes to Minuteman High School in Lexington.  When she was there today, one of the people who run the bakery (oh, the smells!  homemade chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven, sourdough bread, brownies with chocolate icing....) was so gracious.  She was singing the praises of this fine institution.  One of the recent graduates got a full scholarship to the Culinary Institute of America and now works at the Ritz Carlton somewhere.  (Weren't they bought out by Taj or some such?)

The point is, this woman's passion for the school and all of its shops speaks volumes about the place.  The teachers there really seem to love what they are doing.  It seems that their mission is more than just a job.  There is a tone, a feeling in the building.  It seemed to the LLL that the place was humming and thrumming with excitement, careers being forged, learning....actual joy.

This is what we want in our libraries.  We, too, are shaping and forming peoples' lives.  We may be providing  a warm place to sit for one person, a job hunting workshop for another, an English language learning experience for someone else.  Sometimes, we are the ones who help to form the impression of the organization one way or the other.  Are we helpful?  Open minded?  Thrumming with excitement like the woman at Minuteman High?  If not, how can we "kindle" (no pun intended) our own spark?  What would it take?

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