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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Inspiration from:Radical Careering/ Sally Hogshead

Here's some inspirational wisdom from a book that will help keep you leaping:

Radical Truth number 26:  Circumstances can't cripple your career as much as doubt or passivity.

"In truth, the most dangerous enemies of success prowl within ourselves-apathy, uncertainty, complacency.  By overthrowing these enemies, you make room for your own progress."
Another lovely quote:  "We each have the potential to do something beyond our wildest imagination, as long as we're prepared to make it happen at any given moment of our lives."

Me speaking here:  How can we be the librarians that we want to be at every given moment?  How can we make the tiniest detail of our day a song, a note in a symphony of greatness?  One way is to watch for the complacency, the apathy.....keep them from taking over.  What can you do right now to feel good about your librarian?  Can you create something?  A display?  A report?  Can you find that book for the customer even though it might take a little extra effort?

Close your eyes for a minute.  Imagine yourself prepared to do that something that you really want to your library or in your search for a job.....what would it be?

Even the smallest step can help to get you there...Pick something.  Anything.  Make that phone call, perhaps.  Fix the squeaking wheel on the book truck.  Envision the program that you always wanted to see...Remember that Gandhi quote:  "Be the change that you want to see."

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