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Thursday, January 19, 2012

I want to do everything....

Sometimes I want to do everything.  Go to the Conference, apply for this grant, update that manual, everything.  Then there are those other know, family, hobbies, pets, household, etc?  And then there are the unexpected things.  I was going to get items A,B, and C done on that handy list and then it turns out that there are people out sick or someone's car couldn't start.  In the meantime, I really want to get that done but the other thing is more urgent and.......

So how does the librarian keep from limping at times like this??  Well, we  could write a book called Librarians Who Do Too Much and find the answers there.  We could watch the show that my son is fond of called Jersey Shore and think, 'wow!  What is this world coming to?' but somehow feel better about one's self.   Here's a good antidote:  Pat the Cat.  Whenever this librarian is tired, I go home and pat the cat.  She is always happy to see me and seems to be saying, "hey, nothing to worry about, dudette.  Just keep the Science Diet coming."

In fact, she may become my new spiritual teacher.

Hey, what is it about cats and librarians anyway?  Years ago, this librarian worked at a medical library in Boston.  Our Head of Technical Services had a cat.  I would look at her and think, "what's the big deal with cats, anyway?"  Well...before you could say Baker and Taylor, I got hooked.  My first feline, Billy Crystal, had me sold. 

And, remember the words of one of my library school teachers:  "If it's not fatal, it isn't important".

Hey, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep that to do list......or buy the Science Diet.

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