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Friday, December 30, 2011

Year drawing to a close

2011 is drawing to a close.  The roads are so quiet.  They said on NPR this morning that only about 1/2 of the US population is working this week!  My library got our book deliveries early.  This is most likely because the colleges are closed for their break.  This is such a good time to reflect on what we want to continue, what we want to create and where we want to be.

The New Age people tell us that there is only the present.  No such thing as time.  That is all an illusion.  Still, I have to put that meeting into my day planner.  And, it seems to me that we need to learn constantly.  A teacher who I like says that there are no mistakes.....So, if you did something last not get that big weeding project done or miss the ALA midwinter mistake....Just plan to get it done this time!

One thing that this leaping libertine librarian loves is lists.  Sure, we may not get everything done that is on the list.  Simply writing down that plan, that dream....putting pen to paper or keyboard to cyberspace....means that maybe, just maybe, this will be the year you write that grant proposal for the literacy program or for the E Readers that you want to demonstrate at your library.

What are you planning to keep the leap in your librarian in 2012?

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