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Monday, December 5, 2011

Publisher's Weakly

Best Cellars

Mopy Dick  Tale of a lugubrious whale who feels like a guppy trapped in a large body.

Smothering Heights  Catherine and Heathcliffe buy a condo in the Moors, a condominium shrouded by fog due to some unknown climate quirk.  "Global warming?" muses Catherine.  "Prozac?"  wonders Heathcliffe.  The couple goes to therapy for codependence issues.  
recommended to all public libraries

The House of Girth  The overweight Arabella ponders whether or not lap band surgery might be appropriate. She weeps when she finds out that Oprah is going to leave network television.  "Surely, surely, there is more to life than this!" Arabella tells herself, clutching her TV Guide to her bosom.  Her heart opens as she tries one of those Ghirardelli chocolate squares from Trader Joes.
recommended to all public libraries with sturdy shelving as this tome is rather heavy!

Gone With the Wind Chimes Scarlot is constantly attending new age seminars with her girlfriend, Melody.  Scarlot falls in love with Melody's yoga instructor, AshLee.  One day, after her Pilates class, Scarlot asks Melody where AshLee is.  "He is gone....gone with the Wind Chimes, a local yoga/dance troupe that is touring in California."  A very moving tale.
recommended for public libraries in Cambridge and the West Coast

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