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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Now That Is Great Service!

Today is my partner's birthday!  To celebrate, I gave him his new Kindle Fire!  I will let you know how that turns out. I took him out for breakfast.  We were going to go to a really fancy place.  Bless his soul, he's a cheap date.  Since he is trying to live gluten free, he suggested that we go to a fancy Starbucks instead.  Okay, but it's on me, I insisted.  We ordered two coffees...(we would eat the gluten free snack that my partner brought).  I took out my new shiny credit card.  "It's on me!" I gushed.  The barrista explained that the credit card was declined.  (Even though I just activated the thing last night on the phone).  Oops.  And I didn't have cash with me.

This barrista was sooooo kind.  "It's on us!" she enthused and let us take our coffees for free.  My guy did not have to pay

"You should write about this in your blog," he said.  "That was great customer service."  It was.  I am definitely going back to that Starbucks again.  First, I'm going to call that big, impersonal bank of mine....

Let's take a page from that Starbuck barrista's book in our libraries.......

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