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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Conversations, good book to read

I was in Connecticut with my partner's family.  The young woman was saying that she did not want her books on a machine, thank you very much.  She is 21 years old!  She likes the feel of real books and does not want them on a device.  That was very interesting to me.  Also, my partner seems to be sticking with the regular book type book more often than not.  Hmmm....looks like the sound of turning pages may not be going anywhere too quickly.

Speaking of books, you may want to read Orientation and other Stories by Daniel Orozco
here's an article about the book  .   The book is beautifully written.  The author creates scene and character with an effortless brilliance that leaves me gasping.  The title story is hilarious.  Anyone who has ever worked in an office will appreciate it.  The story about food binging is so wonderfully written...The author seems to have a real insight into people...he could have been a psychotherapist or a Shakespeare or both.  He knows how to create people and paint the picture of their lives with a verbal brush that leaves me gasping....The runner in the story about running is so believable.  Brilliant!  Five leaping libertine librarians up!

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