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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Questions...and comments

If the book is mis-shelved and the librarian can't find it, does it exist?

Why are vampire books so popular?

Why do so many people think that the book Eat, Pray, Love is inspirational?  A well-to-do young woman gets a book contract to eat in Italy, pray in India and love in Indonesia.  She left her husband.  I should care why? 

Did you know that not all librarians are neat freaks?  (like the libertine, leaping variety).

How can anyone believe that you can eat more and weigh less? 

Why do people write comments in the library books?  And why do I find them annoying and amusing at the same time?

If you get in touch with your inner librarian, do you both have to pay taxes?

Do not ever touch questionable stains in your library books.

If the classic has no movie tie in, can we persuade people to read it?  And does it count if you saw the Masterpiece Theater version?

What is the secret of The Secret?

How would Jane Austen feel if she knew about this? 

Do you realize that we librarians used to look everything up in books and periodicals and that we would not use the word Google for years at a time?

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