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Monday, February 6, 2012

Patriots lost....all is not lost

Well, for those of you who are Patriots fans, I am so sorry!
And, for anyone who is frustrated at work because something did not go the way that you planned, I offer:
1)  some humor:  Imagine, if you will, doing an entire reader's advisory program on Westerns.....reading Louis L'Amour and Zane Grey...okay, some of you aren't finding that funny....oops, have I stepped on some spurs, here?  It seemed funny to me...
2)  Some wisdom from a book called The Crabby Angels Chronicles

"People don't change" is a terrible affirmation that many people use to try to guide their hearts from yet another disappointment.  But the real pain comes from wanting people to be different than they are and from having expectations for them to meet.  Spiritual maturing is about releasing people to be whoever they are (even Giants fans --my words there) even if you don't approve or like it........

This is your choice today-better or bitter?

The LLL loves that!  So, even if you don't get a winning team, even if you don't think that my joke about westerns is funny, even if you don't get the funding for the extra staff person, or the job that you applied for, or if your car got a flat tire, whatever it is.....

This is your choice today-better or bitter!

How can you bring this to your library life today?

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