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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Don't jump to conclusions!

They should....why can't....This ought to....Whatever it is, and believe me, I have been there.  It may not be true that it ought to be different.  Sure, in my mind it is clear that our library should have certain wonderful, glorious services for the teens who come here after school primed up and full of energy.  We should have an olympic sized pool, a track, a coach, a trampoline.  Seriously, this would help them to use up all of that excess bounce and drive.  Then they could calmly read and/or use the internet.

However, someone would have to build the pool and put in the gymnasium.  Librarians are not trained in the management of these facilities.

Nor should I assume that the teens should simply simmer down when, clearly, they can't.  It seems to me that there should be all kinds of money and facilities for our teens.  They need things to do after school! 

There is no point in my jumping to the conclusion that things should be different then they are.  Or, if I really believe that, then it behooves me to do everything in my power to change that. 

It can be so tricky, working with the teens.  We think that they should understand our point of view.  They think that we should understand theirs.  There are all kinds of studies about the biology of the teens' brains.  Everybody knows that they are hungry after school.  They need snacks.  Also, they are not always best served by the schedule that they are forced to adhere to. 

Sigh.  Maybe I should jump on the trampoline until we get this figured out.

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