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Friday, February 3, 2012

Office Gossip, go ahead, make my day better

It is really difficult sometimes to simply do one's job and to avoid being pulled into the fray.  Here is my advice.  Do one's job and avoid being pulled into the fray.  Why?  Because that is what we are here for.  Why else?  Because you will feel better for doing one's job.  Sure, some gossip is compelling and maybe worh hearing.
One can learn things from getting the pulse of what is being discussed.

However, what are we doing in our libraries?  Why are we here?  We are here to get something great done.

How can we keep ourselves focused and positive?  My experience with certain kinds of gossip is that the energy feels negative.  It feels destructive and unhealthy.  Not a place that this LLL wants to go.

What are your thoughts about office gossip?  I am interested to hear!  

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