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Friday, February 24, 2012

I Can Make You Happy?

We have many Self Help books available at my library.

Recently when I checked in a book being returned I thought the title read...

 “Can I Make You Happy?”

On second glance I realized it said, “I Can Make You Happy”
My finger had blocked the “I”, which was right on the edge of the cover so I misread it...what a difference
the placement of the "I" makes!  It also changed a question into a statement.
The author is Paul McKenna some of the other books he's written are:
"I Can Make You Thin"
"I Can Make You Sleep"
"I Can Make You Confident"
"I Can Make You Rich"
My favorite husband suggested that HE, my hubby, could write a book for me titled,
“I can make you irritated”!   This doesn’t happen very often, but every once in a
while…boom zoom to the moon!
I wondered, "What is this guy a miracle worker?"
Turns out he has a PHD and is an international best selling author...
considered as “one of the world's most important modern self-help gurus."
The book is dedicated to his father who he says..."had the gift of making others happy."
(What a super thing to be remembered for.)
Now, what makes this author think HE can make ME happy…. I am basically a happy person,
sure things get me down; but I try not to take things too seriously. I laugh at myself as much
as I can. Try to look at the bright side of life… Let a smile be my umbrella…Keep my sunny
side up…and all that jazz!!!
I checked out the book to see if there were any magical solutions, some of the chapter titles are:
The Habits of Happiness
New Routes to Happiness
The Power of Perspective
The Values of Happiness
The Value of Emotions
and the final chapter is
Bringing it All Together
One of the Five Instant Pick-Me-Ups listed is “Happy Posture”, I suppose if you stand up
straight and look alert, you will be happy and everyone around you will be positively influenced.
One of the Magic Habits to get into is “Smile and Laugh” I do this all the time!
There is a Hypnosis CD included; it must be very powerful because it comes with a disclaimer:
Do not use the CD while driving or operating machinery.
Yikes!  That's a bit scary, so be careful if you choose to try it, I didn't.
Whether you choose to just listen to the CD or  just read the book, or do both, the claim is you
will still..."notice an amazing increase of happiness in your life."
OR maybe you can just continue on down the road of life, greeting each bump along
the way with a SMILE!!!
So come on in and check out your library's  "Self Help" section if you need it, if not we have plenty
other interesting books, magazines, DVD's, CD's etc for you to check out and enjoy!
posted by The Vest Librarian!

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