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Thursday, February 2, 2012

customer dis-service

The LLL's partner went to the vet the other day to pick up a prescription for our kitty cat.  He was the only customer.  There were two receptionists.  They were deep in conversation about a particular computer program that was not working well.  He waited patiently.  One of them finally noticed that he was there.

"May I help you?"  she said.

As he was explaining, she interrupted him to start talking about the computer program with her fellow receptionist.  Somehow, she did manage to get the prescription, but her conversation continued to focus on the computer problem and she seemed to have forgotten that he was there.
Needless to say, he was not happy.

It is important that we not fall into the habit of forgetting that our valued customers (yes, valued, because without them, what really is the point?) are the whole purpose of our being in the library!  If they feel forgotten or like an annoyance, do you really think that they will speak well of us?  Do you think that they will come back?

Sure, it is annoying when the computer malfunctions, but, computer or no, the customer is the whole point, no?

Let's remember what the point of our library is.  We are here to serve the people who come in and give them a good experience.  Otherwise, they may go somewhere else next time.

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