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Sunday, November 27, 2011

You say patron, I say potato.....

The libertine, leaping librarian votes for customer!



noun \ˈpā-trən, for 6 also pa-ˈtrōⁿ\

Definition of PATRON

a : a person chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter b : a wealthy or influential supporter of an artist or writer c : a social or financial sponsor of a social function (as a ball or concert)
: one that uses wealth or influence to help an individual, an institution, or a cause
: one who buys the goods or uses the services offered especially by an establishment
: the holder of the right of presentation to an English ecclesiastical benefice
: a master in ancient times who freed his slave but retained some rights over him
[French, from Middle French] : the proprietor of an establishment (as an inn) especially in France
: the chief male officer in some fraternal lodges having both men and women members
pa·tron·al \ˈpā-trə-nəl; British pə-ˈtrō-nəl, pa-\ adjective


noun \ˈkəs-tə-mər\

Definition of CUSTOMER

: one that purchases a commodity or service
: an individual usually having some specified distinctive trait <a real tough customer>

Examples of CUSTOMER

  1. She is one of our best customers.
  2. She's a pretty cool customer.

Origin of CUSTOMER

Middle English custumer, from custume
First Known Use: 15th century

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