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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm glad I'm a librarian today!

This morning, my partner Dave was on the phone.  He was trying to get a human being on the line.  Dave patiently punched in his bank card number, his social security number, that little three number code thingy on the back of the card.  He listened to a long history of deposits and transactions.  When I came home from work, he was on hold but hopeful.  After eight hours of being on the phone, he might yet get a live person......

Okay, I'm exaggerating.  He was only on hold for about 15 minutes, but still, that is a long time!

And, the bank had made a change without telling him first. They were no longer giving the same percentage cash back that they had originally promised.  This, even though they had said in the prior month's statement that the amount of cash back would remain constant.

Here's what I love about my job.  We always announce policy changes well in advance.  We do put people on hold at times, but your odds of getting a live person are excellent and usually within a few minutes!

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