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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

internal customer service OR why I love our tech librarian!

Okay.  I love our tech person.  Here's why:  Today our circ desk receipt printer was very, very askew.  The receipts were printing full title records....I mean, every detail so that the titles took lines and lines and reams and reams of paper.  So, I went to college.  I went to library school.  I'm well read.  (Look at the pile of chick lit by my bed if you don't believe me!).  I cleverly went into the manager controlled options on our printer and tried cutting down the amount of width on the receipts.  Guess what?  It didn't work.  Sigh.  

So, I called him in.  Our tech guy.  And he said, without missing a beat:  "Try turning the computer and the printer off and then turning it on.  Call me if that doesn't work." worked!

Ladies and gentlemen, before you call that tech librarian, turn the machine off and then turn it on again!
"Today I am thankful people!"

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