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Sunday, November 27, 2011

it's never wrong if it's in their favor

This leaping libertine librarian had a director once who said:  "It is never wrong, I will never fault you for 'erring' on the side of the customer."  What does that mean?  It means not spending thirty or forty minutes arguing about a $2.00 fine.  It means "thinking outside of the book" can I find that hidden question?  What is this customer really asking for?  Sometimes, it's just a smile.  Others, it's just to be allowed to check out that book even though we are closing in one minute from now.  Maybe he/she has spent a good chunk of time trying to find that book and it will make all the difference in terms of their school project.

I live by this precept and I am a much more leaping, libertine librarian as a result!

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