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Friday, April 18, 2014

short staffed? No problem!

I'll bet none of you librarians out there have ever worked in a place that was understaffed!  I'll bet none of you have ever groaned because there was no Young Adult Librarian to help keep your YA room under control.  I'll bet none of you ever said, "Hey, wait a minute.  We don't even have a young adult room."  I'll bet none of you have ever felt jealous of the other libraries that got that building project approved, got that Storycorps grant, got that hot new director/tress who is unstoppable?

Me neither.

So how does one keep leaping when it feels like the organization is limping?????

Light a candle, darling.  Do one thing.  Just one thing.  Do it today.  It does not have to be huge.  You can:
Remember, gang.  We are the good guys.  We are the helpers.  Just last night, I helped a woman get her resume printed out for an iterview today.  I helped a guy to print out some info for the book that he just self published.  I told him about Sisters In Crime and that they could help him get the word out.  Small, yes.  But satisfying.  Read more about just one thing here.

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